Category Archives: Uncategorized

It’s Not Your Fault


As you can see, I haven’t been updating my blog this year. I can’t believe we’re over halfway through 2023 already!

I think I’m slowly coming out of survival mode. Last year was purely me trying to stay alive. But hey, look! I’m still here!

As for dealing with chronic migraine, I have a new specialist and a new treatment plan. I also have new friends that are dealing with chronic migraine disease as well.

I wish I had more to say, but I’m feeling a bit more private these days. So I’ll leave you with this thought:

It’s not your fault that you’re sick. You can do everything “right” and not be cured. You are not to blame. So please take care of yourself, and remember, it’s not your fault.

Sending you love.

Leaving this link here, in case you need it…

“If you are disabled, you may be able to apply for a disability discharge.”

Still Alive

Just popping in to this blog to say a quick, “Hello!”

Yes, I’m still alive.

But it has been the roughest year of my life, in terms of my health.

It’s taken all my energy just to survive.

If I knew then, what I know now… what would I say to the Kelly of 2021?

You think dealing with chronic migraine disease is rough? Add covid, long covid, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, surgery, post-surgery complications, new medication allergies, and un-diagnosed stomach f*ckery to the mix.

But I’m still here! And I’m starting to have some good health days again.

I have learned a lot though. The lessons aren’t lost on me. I have an infinite gratitude for the small things in life. And I’m thankful to still be here.

It’s so nice to have better days, and I appreciate them more than I ever have.

Migraine Life Update

The pandemic is still doing strange things to my sense of time. And I haven’t been feeling motivated to write in this blog. My apologies!

I *do* have an update though! Finally!

I finally tried 2 new medications for migraine attacks: Ubrelvy and Nurtec ODT. I got free samples from my neurologist. At this point, I would say that I prefer the Nurtec ODT. It’s been nice to have a new medication besides Imitrex. Imitrex just hasn’t been working as well lately. So yay for that!

Another big change that I’ve been focusing on is switching to a fragrance-free life as much as possible. So what does that mean? Over the last month, I’ve been buying only fragrance free products.


-Shampoo/conditioner/hair spray

-Face and body lotion

-Laundry detergent and fabric softener


-Hand sanitizer (which I found at Bath and Body Works, surprisingly!)

And I also took all my candles and perfume bottles and put them in a box in my garage.

Soooooo… *knock on wood*… I had a few less migraine attacks this past month… so maybe something is working?! Or it could be a fluke. It’s too early to say. But I wanted to share this update anyway. Can you relate?